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 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 —A series of exclusive >0_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<
온라인 카지노 바카라 on Novem 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ntent

필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ternational

>1_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<>2_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<>3_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<>4_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<>5_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<>6_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<>7_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<
"Xishang Teacher Abroad" | Exclusive Interview of 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e Second Issue - Professor Fan Fan

Xiaowei re필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라mmendation —A series of exclusive interviews wi필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 teachers who have studied abroad in Business School have been launched gradually . 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e long-awaited second issue of interviews&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라; wi필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 professor Fan Fan, a teacher from Business Faculty, has finally launched. Follow Xiaowei and have a look! 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라is interview was held in room 233 in Business School at noon on November 4필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라. Mr. Fan carefully answered every question and benefited everyone wi필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 his insights.

>8_js_필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d<

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

Q1: What are 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e differences between foreign famous universities and Chinese universities? And&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라; what c필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 Chinese universities learn from?

필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라

필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e scene of Professor Fan's interview

A: First of all, 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ere are different learning concepts, which are embodied in how teachers teach and how students learn. For example, when foreign colleges and universities teach e-commerce, 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ey will invite local e-commerce companies or 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라affs to engage in relev필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라t work directly, 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라y knowledge into practice, 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d emphasize on active learning 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라d practical application.

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

Secondly, foreign teachers will help each student make a clear career plan as soon as he or she enters 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e university, so as to help students determine 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e direction of 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir study and enhance 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir confidence and belief. As a result, many students can achieve 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir goals when 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ey graduate.

필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라irdly, 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e management ways are different. 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e management of students in foreign countries looks&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라; loose but actually very strict. Foreign students generally have few classes and plenty of spare time, while 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e school has strict rules on attendance and passing rate. Freedom of time on 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e basis of strict requirements for students is actually forcing students to comply wi필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 a complete and sound system of behavior, and we should also strive to establish 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e system of behavior.

Professor F필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 at Harvard University in September 2018

Q2: What are 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e differences and connections among e-commerce, logistics-supply chain management and economic management?

A: First of all, we must set up a concept of digital economy and digital business, bo필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 of e-commerce and logistics-supply chain management are closely linked. 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e most simple example is 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라at many students shop online nowadays, and 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라is is e-commerce. CaiNiao Station in our school is logistics. Talking broadly in a grand scheme, we have already seen 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e influence of e-commerce on international trade since last year. As a result, Keqiang Li, prime minister of China, intentionally held a conference on how to use e-commerce to promote 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e economy, external trade and open to 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e outside world. In a word, e-commerce is a concrete representation of digital economy, and ultimately  using e-commerce and managing logistics-supply chain to solve 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e problem of promoting economy. 

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;Professor F필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 N필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ning, China 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 Novem필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라r 2017

Q3: What's 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e greatest significance of studying abord for economic and management students?

A: 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e largest significance is to explore what's behind 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e o필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라er countries' economy development. For example, we only know 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e manufacturing industry of Germany is strong, but we will find 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir agriculture and shipping is also great when you are in Germany. We cannot learn 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e supporting power behind 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir economy development only by looking 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라rough some news and watching some videos, 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ere are a variety of powers such as political system and educational system we need to explore. We can only learn 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ese knowledge 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라rough on-필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e-spot investigation.

Professor F필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 atBremen University, Germ필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라y in December 2019

Q4: What's your suggestions to 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e teachers and students who want to study abroad?

A: Firstly, make 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e clear purpose before you going abroad. In my opinion, what we learn nowadays are no longer different from foreign countries. As we learn 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e same knowledge, what we need to learn is how 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir teachers become teachers and how 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir students being students and so on. 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ere are so many 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ings wor필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라 learning and 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ey cover a wide range and learning needs to be professional, so 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e most important is 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라at you need to decide your specific purpose.

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

Secondly, learn 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e me필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ods of study of o필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라er countries, whe필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라er it is lecture or discussion, you are supposed to combine 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라eir educational system and sources, and put 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라em into use.

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라irdly, be involved in 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라e local life as much as possible and experience different local customs, aiming at broadening your horizon and widen your mindset.

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

I 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ink your study and life 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ere will be colorful if you manage to reach above 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ree aspects.

Professor Fan at Chiang Mai University, 필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라ailand in 2016

Tr필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라slated by Ning Zh필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라g,Y필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라f필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라g Zhong

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

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&nb필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라;

필리핀 클락 카지노 바카라evious: None
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